Partners of the 2S Ranch Provision House
We are excited to partner with other local farms and ranches around the Dallas- Fort Worth metroplex. Our goal is to provide our customers with the purest, healthiest & best tasting meats around! Check out The Provision House Meat Market to shop for your meats today!
All of our partners are committed to:
- High Standards of Sustainable Farming
- Safe & Healthy Agriculture Practices
- Good Stewardship of The Land
- Treat Livestock Humanely
- Provide Natural & Organic Products
- Do Not Use Preventive Antibiotics or Steroids
- Process Their Meats At a USDA or State of Texas Approved Facility
All sales of our partners' products will be processed exclusively through The Provision House. Be sure that you've signed up with your e-mail address to be a preferred customer of the 2S Ranch & The Provision House. If not, sign up at the bottom of this page!
Holleman Farms- Greenville, TX
Holleman Farms is owned and operated by the Holleman family out of Greenville, Texas. In 2004 the Hollemans were looking for some space, a slower pace and a simpler way of life for a growing family, so they bought their one hundred-acre farm. It took them a few years to realize that the farm could be used for more than just a giant playground for their 9 kids! They enjoy the challenge and adventure of farm life as they raise clean and healthy chicken, pork, and eggs.
Chicken: At Holleman Farms, the chickens are raised outside in sunlight, in pastures, with plenty of room to roam on fresh patches of grass. They eat bugs every morning, and have pure and natural non-GMO feed available throughout the day.
Pork: Holleman Farms raises heritage breed hogs, Red Wattle and Berkshire, that are pasture-raised and rotated through the various wooded areas of the farm. The hogs are fed a natural, non-GMO feed from Hiland Naturals. They have never been given antibiotics, hormones, or chemicals. Their diet is supplemented with extra milk from the family Jersey cow, eggs from the farm's ducks and pastured hens, freshly sprouted fodder that the Hollemans grow from wheat or barley seed, and seasonal produce and plants from the family gardens.
Eggs: The majority of Holleman Farms' egg-laying flock consists of Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons, both breeds being excellent layers of brown eggs. Lots of Ameraucana hens are included too, because we just can’t resist the appeal of their blue-green tinted eggs. The laying hens spend the first three weeks of life safe and warm in the brooder before they are moved out to pasture. A large moveable chicken tractor provides the birds with shelter and protection at night and a safe cozy place to lay their eggs. During the day they roam freely on a quarter acre paddock enclosed with electric poultry netting. Every few days they are moved to a new paddock, where they fertilize and aerate our pastures while enjoying an abundant supply of grass, bugs, sunlight and fresh air.
All sales of Holleman Farm's meats will be sold through The Provision House!
Visit their website here to learn more: